Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homemade Everyday Laundry Soap

I have found this to get my clothes cleaner and my whites brighter!

2c borax
2c washing soda
1c oxiclean (I use the generic brand)
1 bar fels naptha

Chunk the bar and add a little powder so it doesn't stick to itself and throw it into a magic bullet. Process until it's a fine powder. If you don't have a magic bullet, then grate the bar with a cheese grater. Then simply mix everything together! I use 1 1/2 -2T per load. I also like to pour 1/4c vinegar into the fabric softener spot in my washing machine. You don't have a pickle smell on your clothes when they are done. If your whites aren't coming out as white as you like them, then simply add a little more oxiclean. It's just that easy! Enjoy.

*I don't encourage you to use this with cloth diapers. I have another recipe that is similar under the care section for cloth diapers.

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